Mondays - the gate way to freedom

Mondays ... #no thank you

So it's Monday again, and I'm sure all of you are as thrilled about this as I am. The end of the weekend, two days of freedom gone and back to school, work or wherever duty calls. Waking up early, drinking as much coffee as possible and making our way back into the world. Yet thinking about it.. There are probably a million other blogs about why Monday's suck and just bring everybody down. But to be fair, they aren't that bad. 
It's just where we have to go on mondays that ruin the day. I mean work and school aren't exactly the most exciting thing to do, but it has to be done. So think of it as a gate way to the next weekend.
Because I can't wait! I despise school. I mean I have flu, so I'm not in school today, which I am so grateful for! It's sad when people actually look forward to being I'll just so we can have a day off. 
But hey ho that's how it goes. I mean nobody actually wants to sit on hard cold chair for an hour listening to a teacher shouting at other students to just sit down and shut up! And work wise, I havn't had the pleasure just yet but, honestly it can not be any worse than school in the 21st century! 
Have you seen educating Yorkshire?

Anyway, as much as I would love to find a magical land in the back of my wardrobe or fall down a rabbit hole into a different world, I'm kinda stuck in reality, as many of us are! So I'm just gonna stick to reading books and watching films to help my Monday pass along quickly! 

So have a magical day in the land of... Wherever you are. 
                                                                Caitlin xox 


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