Party Planning 2015

I've been back to party planning again, this month I have a party with a theme called 'Music Through The Years'. For once I'm not having it fancy dress, just because there's always some that don't like dressing up and they end up getting forced to think of something to go to the party or look the odd one out. So after many years of having it fancy dress, this year it's for them.
I've had a lot of fun with my playlist, finding songs from all different decades and all different artists, but it's the ones that EVERYBODY knows. It's the best fun when everyone can dance and sing along to a song they know. That's my aim, get everyone to just join in. I'll let you know how that goes.
For decoration, I started the minute the hall was booked. Drawing and cutting out musical notes from cardboard. Hole punching and then stringing them together. Then on thicker card cutting more musical notes out, using black chalkboard paint to paint them and using a white chalk to highlight the edges for a black and white effect. I can tell you my hands have hurt by the end of it, and I might have moaned about it but I had a lot of fun. Plus I just watched Pretty Little Liars the whole time doing it.
I will always say that the decorating is the fun part and I think that's the reason I organise these parties. It's stressful a lot of the times, but by the night comes and I have friends around me, I've danced my socks off and took lots of pictures... It's so worth it!
I mean I'll never admit it that week before the party when I'm crying my eyes out over something little and running around just panicking. I dread the week before! I hope you'll be thinking of me, not laughing, just thinking 'Aww it will be fine Mo'. Ok, don't actually say that to me because that will just annoy me but think it for me please :)
                                                        I'll let you know how it all goes...
                                                                         Mo xox


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