20 Facts about Cait

So basically, iv'e been a bit lazy with my share of the blog and I thought that Mos' idea about the 20 facts was pretty sound. So why not have a go ay!
 Seeing as i'm bored and am just sitting in bed I should make use of the internet in a more productive way.

                      20 facts about Caitlin

1. My full name is Caitlin Emily Mitchell.
2. I was born in Cape Town South Africa.
3. I am 14... 15 in November!
4. I love comic books.
5. I love art! Drawing means so much to me!
6. I sing wherever I go.
7. I have been to 7 schools.
8. I donated my hair to the little princess trust for a little girl with cancer.
9. I have 2 sisters 1 brother.
10. I want to move to America!
11. Mom said I started singing when i was 2 and just never stopped.
12. Music is my world, I just couldn't live without it.
13. I don't really follow fashion, I just wear what I like.
14. I'm not shy, but I have my moments.
15. I stick up for what I believe. I believe every girl has the right to feel beautiful.
16. I hate tomatoes. And mushrooms. And anything spicy.
17. I find it hard to get on with people.
18. I am a total tomboy! Not your average teenage girl...
19. I'm allergic to pineapple, icing sugar, wasps, bees and kiwi.
20. Simone has and always will be my best friend x

Cait xox 


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