Dealing with the bad stuff.

Feeling a little down.

So you may have noticed that this is about feeling down and trying to deal with it. 
I know I know... why so serious?
Iv'e realized that i'm not the only person who feels depressed every now and again. And i'm defiantly not the only one who maybe doesn't feel like they fit in, or isn't the happiest with themselves or just feels plain hopeless. There are so many reasons for people to be depressed and sad. Horrible to think or read about (sorry) but true. 
Yet there are so many more reasons to be happy, even though it doesn't feel like it.
It sounds pathetic, but iv'e figured out that when I feel down or depressed it's because iv'e had too much time to over think and create situations in my head that sometimes don't even exist in reality. So instead of spending time thinking about stuff that is just gonna depress me, I occupy my mind on something else! 
I'm not saying that this will work for everyone, but it may give a few ideas... I dunno! Just a thought.
I mostly draw to take my mind off things, i'm not the greatest but I enjoy it and it makes me feel better! 
It always helps to find something you enjoy to just go too when you need an escape.
Listen to music! ( Preferably happy music, no emo screamo )
Bake cause when you bake you get cake and... everybody loves cake.
Read/write a book, get involved in a characters life for an hour or two, instead of your own. Read about a happy elf or something... the're cute right?
Think about a baby panda with hiccups... that actually makes my day sometimes.
Go out with friends, see a movie go shopping have a laugh! The worst thing you can do when you're feeling down is be by yourself, even though you want to, it's not always the best.

Sing, and annoy the hell out of your parents by singing everything you do... that's fun.
Do homework! HA jokes don't do that or your bound to feel lousy. Seriously just like burn it or something cause aint' nobody got time for that.
Try teaching yourself something new like an instrument or a language! I'm trying guitar and love it!

I know it wasn't a lot of ideas but when your down there is only so much you can do or want to do even! 
And just remember that everyone wants sunshine and no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain. 

                                                            Caits x x x


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