20 facts about Mo

I thought you'd might like to get to know more about me, so here's some facts.


                             1. I wished my life was a musical, so i got to sing and dance all the time
                             2. I'm shy if I hardly know you, but I'm a bit mad once I do
                             3. I want an adventure
                             4. Cadbury chocolate mousse is my weakness
                             5. I'm a total bookworm
                             6. Don't like tea, coffee or hot chocolate...but I'll have a hot vimto
                             7. I love making and creating things
                             8. I've never left Britain, never got on a airplane
                             9. Italian food is probably my second weakness


                           10. I'm fussy with food
                           11. Wearing glasses annoys me
                           12. Family means a lot to me and close friends
                           13. I laugh a lot, even as a baby I laughed most of the time
                           14. Peter Pan is my favourite story
                           15. I love photo's, they capture those favourite memories 
                           16. I've always wanted to create a children's adventure story
                           17. I can't cope without my iPod, I love music
                           18. Italy, France, New York and Ireland are the places I most want to go
                           19. Can't stand onions!!!!
                           20. I have three cats and one dog. I've always loved animals

                  Anyway that's me, hope you have a good week, talk again soon...
                                                                                                                      Mo xox


  1. This reminds me I reall need to get blogging again, naughty me! ;) xx


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