Shopping Torture...

Shopping Rant

Whenever I think of shopping, I think 'yay something new'. Even if it's food shopping, I get quite excited about it because I love food so much.
But when it comes to actually having to go to the shops, it's quite an experience. Especially on a Saturday, in town, too many people... Makes you start to hate going, but then I always manage to go back.

When I go clothes shopping, I've started trying to keep a more open mind. Experimenting with things I wouldn't normal go out and buy. For a example, I normally wear plain skinny jeans, but I got some red checkered trousers last week, still not sure when I'm going to wear them though haha. But then saying that, I seem to wear my Batman leggings everywhere I can, I'd say that's daring!

And then there's shopping for other people. I love buying people presents, even though I'm terrible at wrapping paper. In the end I just buy a gift bag so it seems like I tried to put a bit of effort into it. Clever I know...
But it is hard to know what to buy people a lot of the time. Except Cait, it's Superman, Disney, moustaches...Haha!

You know what I really want...Mice to make my clothes! Ok, so she worked hard for those step sisters and mother. But I don't think Cinderella realised how cool her mice were! Especially Gus <3

Anyway that's my rant for now...
                                                      Mo xox


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