A Pooh Bear Takes Care Of His Tummy By Never Forgetting To Eat

Food...need I say more.

I have a few speciality's I make for me and my mum. One of these is, what I call, pastry swirly twirly's. They probably do have a name, but I thought I'd make my own up for the fun of it.

When I was a small child, not sure how old, we used to go to a bakery type of place that was in the country side. My mum always got a blackcurrant slice that she adored, then would end up getting it all of her face... purple face, nice mum.
But what I always got was a pizza, a swirly twirly pizza. It was like a coil but flat, so I would bit by bit eat it by unravelling it. I had a funny childhood looking back.
So when I came across this pastry recipe online one day, I got very excited! First time I tried it everyone else seemed to like it, so much I didn't get any... but you know I'm glad it was good enough.

                                Anyway, I thought I'd share with you all how I make them...

So I got hold of some Just Roll Puff Pastry, which I'm sure you can get from most supermarkets.
Roll it out evenly, making sure you sprinkle a bit of flour underneath or it just sticks to the surface.
Oh and I'm only using half of the pastry this time but go ahead and use it all.
Next thing is to cover it with tomato paste or you can even use tomato pasta sauce, leave about 1cm free around the pastry.
I also added some dry mixed herbs.
Then I grated some cheese, I advice something strong enough that you taste after cooking.
Also I added some mushrooms, but you can put anything you like.
Long as it's not too much for the next step, other wise it's just a messy over flow.
I forgot to take a picture for this, but you then roll it in from one end, making sure it's tightly together.
Then you cut it as thin or thick as you want to get it like in the picture.
But as I said before I'm only using half of the pastry, you can normally get about 12 out of the whole pastry.
Then you need to stick them in the fridge for 10 minutes, while you preheat your oven.
I put my oven on 200C/gas6.
Get hold of a non stick tray or you can do what I do and spread butter on a tray.
Place them on there and stick them in the oven for about 12-15 minutes.
Once there done leave them to stand for 5 minutes, then tuck in and enjoy!
Let me know how you get on with it and if you enjoyed them...
Mo xox


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