Question and Answer

I really had no clue what to do for this weeks blog, so I thought why not include you guys!
So I asked you lovely people on Instagram (I did ask on Facebook and Twitter too but had no reply) to give me some questions and I would answer them in my blog this week :)

Here it goes...

Where do you want to be in 5 years?
'I used to think about the future, but I'm not so sure now. I would like to be able to say, in 5 years time, that I've travelled around and seen some cool places. I'd love to travel around Ireland, and also I'd love to go Italy and eat there amazing food.'

What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
'It's normally chocolate or strawberry, but when it comes to Cheshire farm ice cream, it's Liquorice and Blackcurrant!'

If you could pick any fashion style from the past and bring it back, what would it be?
'Now I know I'm expected to say something from the 60's after my last blog, about how much I love that time. But I also love some of the style from the 80's! I would bring back leg warmers (yes, the fluorescent ones too). Soon as the cold comes in autumn, you will see me wearing leg warmers. I live in them!'

 What vegetable do you most despise? And what is your favourite piece of clothing that you own?
'I have to say I'm not that keen on most vegetable's. I think the questions is more what vegetables do I eat, terrible I know. So it's normally just carrot's and broccoli.
Hmm, favourite piece of clothing. I have to say it's my big grey long baggy socks. There like my leg warmers, I wear them as much as I can and miss them in the summer. I've never been able to find socks just like them, so when they eventually wear out I'm going to be heart broken.

Thank you to you all who responded and I hope my answers were good enough for you all. I'll do this again sometime in the future, so don't be shy to send me some questions anytime!
                                                               Mo xox


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