Going To Go Live In A Tent This Week

Well hello there. How are you? Good good. I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. Actually I'm going on my holidays this week. I mean it's only for 4 days camping, but it's going to be fun. Plus Cerys and her family are coming with so you know it's going to be extra fun. And a bonus into that is, I'm doing a vlog everyday for the week. It's part of the bucket list that me, Cait and Cerys are doing together. So number 13 is vlog for a whole week, even though I won't be able to get the vlogs up everyday while I'm camping, I can still upload them when I get home.

I used to go camping a lot as a kid, more so in a caravan, but they were some of my favourite memories as a kid. Whenever it rains and I'm sitting in my conservatory, the sound of the rain on the roof always sounds the same as it sounded in the caravan when it rained. Always makes me smile!

There was one time we were camping at a farm, it's a sort of farm that had the animals for people to come see. And then a section for people to come camp too. So we were always going in the school holidays, with my two nephews coming along too. But this time my friend Danielle came too. So the caravan had an awning and the boys were sleeping in there. This one night, the night of the spider... I do laugh now when I think of it. Basically they found a HUGE spider where the boys were sleeping. Me, my mum and Danielle were too scared to go near it. My younger nephew was like 'oh I'll get it'. Then even he wouldn't go near it when he eventually saw it properly... But then we kinda lost it. We're all in the caravan, scared of this spider, and couldn't get out with out having to go past it to get outside. Now I think it was my oldest nephew that sat down by the window, that was right by where the sleeping area was. He basically turned around and saw the spider on the window staring back at him. So that started us all off again, screaming. We ended up asking some people in a tent to come help, it was the woman actually that helped, the guy didn't like spiders either.

There was another time me, mum and my nephews were just camping in this field. Minnie was only young, like a year or two. So we were between the ages of 10 to 13. My mum had gone down to do the washing up, so we were hanging outside with Minnie. Now between the three of us, we had a really good imagination. We were always coming up with stories and games. So we were just playing when this man walks past, he had the most white hair I'd ever seen and it was some crazy hair! You know like you would imagine how a mad professor would look like. That's what we've called him from now on. The thing was Minnie would not shut up barking at him, then we just got this horrible feeling from it. So we dragged Minnie inside the caravan and she still wouldn't shut up. Like she was protecting us. So three kids in this caravan, actually scared with there imaginations sky high. Well you can imagine what we were like when my mum returned back. Poor mum trying to calm us down.

So yeah, I've had some fun times camping. Can't wait for the stories from this week, but it will be even better because you guys will get to see parts of it!
                                                                         Mo xox


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