Wardrobe Look

I love looking in people’s wardrobes, just to see peoples style in what they wear. I do think you can learn a little about a person buy looking at their clothes. And I’ve always loved having my own style, I’m not the type of person to follow a certain trend or copy a certain person, of course I get inspiration off different people but it’s never just one person, it’s a bunch of people and things that inspire me. I like unusual things, something that nobody else has but then there are times I like something that I know is in trend at that time. But I will hold on to it and wear it another time when everybody has gotten bored it, all depends on what it is and if I love it enough.  

One thing I did mention in the Wardrobe Look video is that if I like something but I don’t know if I’m going to love it enough to wear it often, I have to walk away. If it still comes back into head days or weeks later than I’m happy to go back for it. But if I’m not bothered by it then I’ll have just forgotten about it and no harm to my bank balance.

Go take a look at the video I posted to see lots more items I have in my wardrobe, but for now here’s a couple I do speak about…

                                                                         Mo xox


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