Fried Pizza, Jamie Oliver Style

When I saw this recipe I knew I had to give it a go, I wasn't sure how much I'd love it but I knew it was my style of food. Turns out I love it a lot!
I don't want to give out the full recipe because I feel like this is Jamie's and to do it properly you need to have the book, Jamie's Italy. But I wanted to show you how easy it can be and long as you like making dough. But I feel like I should warn you when it comes to trying to fry the dough without burning it and then your grilling the ones you have already fried, so the cheese is melting. Well it can get a little stressful doing too many things at once.
But it's fine, it's all worth it in the end I promise. You can put whatever topping you want one really, I added the ham afterwards, but that was because I forgot to add it when I was grilling.
Anyway, have fun and let me know if you try it. Tweet me a picture even!




Mo xox 


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