Corwen Holiday

I've been on holiday! Well it was only for 3 nights/4 days and actually not that far away in Corwen. But it was a nice break and change of scenery. The place we stayed at was big cottage, every room was a big size, plus the 2 bedrooms both had an ensuite attached. The down side of it was the place was damp, in certain corners you could see the wallpaper peeling off because of the mold and damp, it just smelt musky all the time which wasn't that nice.

It was up a huge steep hill, but then we were in Wales, what more could you expect. So the gardens were above us and it gave you some amazing views. Great time for some photography and climbing combined.

The town was cute, lots of friendly people. Mum was trying really hard to learn welsh words, but then they would look at me as if they thought I was going to join in and my social anxiety/awkwardness stepped in and made me look at them in fright. I especially loved the antique shops, I could have gone mad and bought some many things.

Cerys, Gill & Steve, and of course Evie the dog, came to visit one of the days we were there, they loved it. I went climbing near the rocks and got stuck for a little bit. Then we had ice cream in the town, which was actually so yummy! Mine was made in Ruthin, which wasn't far away, we'd been there on our last holiday 2 years ago.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, I've uploaded the 4 vlogs too so get check them out and hopefully I shall get back into more writing soon.

 Mo xox


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