I'm still here!

It's ok, it's ok, I'm still alive!
It's been weeks since I've written anything and uploaded any vlogs. But I have a good excuse for the vlogs. Basically our laptop died on us, as I was half way uploading a vlog too! And we've had trouble getting it fixed.
The reason I haven't written anything was because at first I was waiting to put my July Glossy box review up, but I couldn't without putting pictures up and they are on the laptop/my camera. So that's a fail. I can't upload pictures from my iPad to the blog for some reason, don't ask. Then I just got out of habit and had no push to start writing. But I thought I better explain what is going on.

So yes, technology isn't my friend right now. But I have been carrying on filming the past weeks. So when the laptop is finally fixed, and no I don't know when that will be, there will be lots of editing to be done and lots of videos will be upload. So thank you for being patient.

Me and Cerys filmed an accent challenge a few weeks back now, then I skyped my friend Donald and we had him trying to do accents too. Seeing as it was his idea to make me do the accents. Let's just say I'm terrible.

Theres plenty of vlogs of me and Cerys hanging out. Caitlin has been super busy so we haven't had a chance to see her for awhile. But hopefully this Monday we will be the three of us again.
I've had to order another memory card because I'm using this one of mine sparingly. So I'm hoping it will come by Monday so I can actually vlog the day.

Well anyway I shall leave it there, hope your having a great summer. Chat soon!
                                                                                 Mo xox


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