Autumn Wear

I've gone on about how much I love autumn last year, all the colours and layers of clothes to wear. And I never 
change my mind! I've also tried to do something more autumn-y with my hair. I got hold of a copper ombré hair dye kit, 
it doesn't stand out much as I already have dark hair, but the tips of my hair were lighter so you can see it there 
more so.
I'm always on the search in the sale and I love buying more autumn clothing. So I was very happy when I managed to 
get hold of 2 pairs of trousers the other week at New Look. But it's one of the pairs that stand out to me and I love
so much! The way I explain then to everyone is like I'm wearing my pyjama pants. It's basically all amazing autumn 
colours, throw in some comfort and high waisted-ness. Then bam, the most amazing pair of trousers I own now, 
for...wait for it...£3! Bargain. But I have say they are the most daring trousers I own now. I was wearing them other
night and my mate had to comment on them with something like 'woah Mo, they are out there!' 
Somewhere I always go at autumn time is H&M, I'm sure I've already mentioned how much I love that shop. 
I always get the best jumpers there and this year is just the same. I bought this rusty green coloured jumper 
and I know want every single one they have in the different colours! Because I've tried living in this one as much 
as I can and I miss it a lot when I have to wash it. 

And then there's my Disney villain scarf with Ursula, Malificent, Cruella De Vill and The Evil Queen from Snow White. 
Does she have a name? I've always wondered that but never actually tried to find out. It is also from H&M, isn't it the 
greatest clothing shop? Right? Yeah I thought so. I wear it as much as I can!

                                                    Anything your loving to wear this Autumn?  
                                                                             Mo xox  


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