The Music Party 2015!

So February was a bit of a hectic month for me, with party planning. But everything was worth it in the end and I think the night was a success.


I had friends Cerys, Gill, Steve, Bryony, Charlie and Caitlin helping me set up and we had a bit of a laugh with that. Then like last year I had Cerys helping me hang things from the arch way in the hall, which I had to climb a step ladder and try not to fall off. And like last year Cerys panicked more than me about it even though I was the one climbing it.

The games were a lot of fun watching everyone else join in. I had pass the parcel forfeit which was Bryony’s idea, so it’s the same as pass the parcel but not only having a sweet but they get a card with a written instruction on it. Which were things like sing Bob the builder, run around the circle like a chicken with its bum on fire, say the alphabet backwards and drink a cup of water in 15 seconds.

Then there was the music quiz I had. I told them a line of lyrics in a monotone as much as I could do it, then they had to tell me the artist, song name and bonus points for the year. It was a boys vs girls thing and the girls won.

Then the last one was whoever wanted to join in, I stuck a card on their back hat had a name of a musician/singer or group/band, and then had to go round asking people questions to guess who they were. Some were easy for certain people, some weren’t so much.
We had some good dancing after, doing the cha cha slide, which half the time I couldn’t do because I had been walking around in bare feet so I had a cramp in my toe!

But then came the surprise! I was standing in the kitchen when Jonathan told me to go back into the room. Next thing I know is him shouting for Joe, my friend Charlie, she was leading me into the room and saying ‘turn the music off’. I stood there thinking ‘Oh no! What are Jonathan and Joe going to do?!’ I honestly thought they were going to do something daft, like a dance or something weird.

But no, they came out with this canvas with a duck picture on it. They had everyone sign it in secret, apparently they had been in the back room keeping a look out in case I came. Telling people to go in one at a time quickly so I wouldn’t know anything was happening. Talking about hand signals in case I came near the room. I watched Steve’s vlog from the night and you can hear Joe telling Charlie and Charlotte about the picture and I walk straight past! I honestly had no clue. Jonathan even took my camera while pass the parcel was on, and then filmed some of the guys signing it. I think because they act weird anyway I didn’t guess anything... haha joke guys!

Let’s just say, when everything had finally sunk in I was very emotional.  The duck now hangs up in my office room and makes me smile every day because of how amazing my friends actually are!

Overall I think the night went well, I’m still finding little musical notes everywhere I look!

                                                                     Mo xox


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