This Is The Hard Part | Decorating Part 1

So what have I been up to lately? Covered in wallpaper and paint! Seriously my poor hair, whenever I look at my hair I either find paint or bits of wallpaper. As you’ve probably guessed I’ve started the bedroom decorating and it’s already mayhem!

I did not expect how hard it was actually going to be. I heard about how hard wood chip wallpaper is to get off but this is a proper mission! Half way through I kind of ditched the steamer, half because by the time it gets going my arm is already aching holding it up. And the other half is because I’m kind of scared of it! The amount of warnings it comes with and I take things like that very seriously. Some people just scan the instructions, pick bits out. Nope not me, I read it a few times so it sinks in and then re read the most important bits a few more times! I do laugh at myself but hey I’m just being extra cautious!

The plan was to do one wall green and the rest grey, but I think I might do another wall white. I shall see how I feel when it comes to it. I’m honestly so excited to see what it looks like at the end. It’s been in my head for ages now. I think once the walls are done and all the big jobs, the actual putting it all together will be a lot of fun! You know sorting the picture frames, getting little bits n bobs to add to the room. 

Also I'd you to meet the weird cartoon person that's been hiding behind the wallpaper. Whoever put the wallpaper up had a little fun beforehand! I shall keep you updated as I go along and I'm sure I'll have accidents along the way to tell you about!


                                                                            Mo xox


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