The Return Of Caitlin

It’s so cold! Last weekend made it official for me that it’s winter. Caitlin came to stay and she wanted to go ice skating while she was here so I organised that with the girls. But it just made it more real that it is winter.
It was honestly the best thing having Cait back, even for a short time. I’ve missed her way too much!
We’ve been so close for so many years, she was so small when we first met, and she was the youngest of our group of girls growing up as we were all around 5 years older than her. So I’ve watched her grow up, become this beautiful young girl over the years. But this past year I’ve hardly seen her and then she moved last spring so it just made things harder to see each other. The vlog I did over the time she was here, we talked about how we could go months without speaking but we always get back in touch because we’ll always be that close. 

But as much as she’s grown up this past year and so many things have changed between us, honestly nothing has changed when we were together. So much reminiscing, old photo’s and stories, my old journal came out too which was just cringe! It was a good old needed catch up and I know we shall be planning more things in 2016. I mean were already going to see 5SOS in April anyway! 


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