Apple & Caramel Bites

I honestly don’t know what to call this, it’s like different recipes all into one but it tastes so good!
So I was searching for another recipe that I could use the apples with once again, came across the woman talking about these apple and caramel bites. But she didn’t have measurements or exactly how to make it so I searched for the different recipes and added them all together. We shall see how well I can make it into one recipe. By the way this was the first time I had tried to make short bread and I heard they are easy but I was slightly worried I’d fail. It turned out ok I think, it was eat able!

Short Bread Ingredients:
·         125g Butter
·         55g Caster Sugar
·         180g Plain Flour

Cooked Apple Ingredients:
·         2 Chopped & Peeled Apples
·         1tbsp Caster Sugar
·         1 Squeezed Lemon Juice
·         1tsp Vanilla extract

Oat Topping Ingredients:
·         1 Cup Oats
·         1tsp Cinnamon
·         2 tbsp Light Brown Sugar
·         1 tbsp Melted Butter

Caramel Topping:
·         4 tbsp Caramel
·         1tsp Vanilla Extract
·         ½ tsp Salt

Let’s starts with peeling and cutting them apples, sticking them in a pan with the sugar, squeezed lemon juice and vanilla extract. Have it on high at first until it starts to boil, then have it on lower so it can cook away until soft while you’re busy with the short bread.

Get your mixing bowl and spoon, also it would be good to preheat the oven now at 190c or gas mark 5. Beat the butter and sugar together until smooth, have a break if you’re mixing by hand but if you’re doing it by electric whisk... well you won’t have muscles like use doing it by hand.  Sift in that flour and stir to get a smooth paste. Now you have two ways you can do this, 1. Roll it out and then place it in the baking tray or 2. Do it like I did and just stick it in and press, shape and squish it into shape around the tray to make it as flat as possible.  

Now the apple should have cooked, let it cool for a bit then pour it onto the shortbread in the tray. Now grab another bowl, pour in the oats, cinnamon, sugar and melted butter. Stir it all together and pour onto the apple mixture in the tray. Stick it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Once it’s done (I panicked because I couldn’t see if the short bread was done under everything, but it turned out fine), leave it to cool for a good 10 minutes. While that’s happening grab a pan, stick the caramel, vanilla extract and salt into the pan and very slowly melt. Once it’s melted enough you can easy pour the caramel from your spoon across baked goodness, try doing it in lines across in different ways, like a crisscross. Make room in your fridge and leave it there as long as possible, I left it there for 4 hours but it’s up to you, you probably don’t need to leave it that long (I was just too scared to look in case the short bread hadn’t cooked). Then cut it into squares, however big or small you want.

Hope you enjoy it, believe me it tastes so good! Let me know on twitter how you get on with it.
                                                                            Mo xox


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