Mushroom & Sweetcorn Lasagne

Lasagne is my all time favourite food, ever! So I thought why not share with you how I like to make mine. You can add any ingredients to this, even make it vegetarian too, as long as you keep the tomatoes! Also I’m quite weird, so even if I make double the amount, the next day I’ll eat it cold. Yes I said cold, I love cold next day Lasagne. Even better though is when you’re eating it hot and can dip chips into the sauce too!

·         Olive Oil
·         2 garlic cloves
·         400g chopped tin tomatoes
·         500g Beef Mince
·         Handful of Mushrooms
·         1 Cup Sweet corn
·         2/3 basil leaves
·         Cut Cheddar Cheese
·         12 Lasagne sheets
·         Pinch of Salt

·         50g Butter
·         3tbsp Flour
·         2 cups Milk
·         Salt & Ground Pepper

First grease an oven proof dish with the olive oil. Then preheat the oven at 180c/Gas Mark 4.
Chop the garlic up and stick in a pan with a little olive oil to cook for 5 minutes, then stick the mince in and cook until all brown. Chop the mushrooms up to the size you like and add them with the sweet corn into the pan. Leave them to cook for 5-10 minutes and add the tomatoes. Chop the basil leaves up and add them. Don’t forget the salt too.

While that is slowly cooking, start on the sauce. Melt the butter in a pan, once that’s done add the flour a tbsp at a time and stir together. I like to take the pan off the heat before adding the first cup of milk, mix well together and then add back to the heat as pouring in the second cup. Make sure to keep an eye on the sauce and stir so it doesn’t stick to the pan. Keep going until it thickens slightly but not too much that it won’t pour out nicely. Add a little salt and pepper too.

Now the fun bit, add a little bit of sauce to the bottom of the dish and then a layer of pasta. You can break the lasagne sheets to get round corner of the dish if you need to. Add the tomato mixture and then another layer of lasagne. Add the sauce on top and just carry on with the layer until everything has been used up. I normally do two layers of the tomato mixture and three of the lasagne sheets altogether. You should have the sauce lastly on top, now to completely cover the top with cheese!

Once you’re done, stick it in the oven for 40-45 minutes until golden brown.  Get it out, serve it up and enjoy!

                                                                     Mo xox


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