Top Ten Films - Childhood Films

This is the first list of top 10 films out of 5 lists. Here is my top 10 Childhood films, the films I think of when I talk about what I used to watch as a child.

1.       Disney Peter Pan. Of course I’m going to have Disney films in this and especially Peter Pan. It’s my ultimate childhood film, a film I would constantly watch!

2.      The Secret Garden. I had certain video tapes that I would love to watch as I grew up and this was always one I’d pick up. I always wanted my own secret garden and have my own swing.

3.       Disney Robin Hood. Another Disney film I know, but every week mum would take me to Chester library and I’d choose a film to take out. This was always a favourite and I still love it.

4.       The Princess Bride.  I got introduced to this film when I was about 11 years old, it’s such a good film. It’s a love story, a comedy and the lead guy is very good looking. But I didn’t really think about that at 11!
5.       Mary Poppins. The tunes are the best, Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke are some of the best legend actors and the laughing scene when they are floating on the ceiling has me laughing so much every time.
6.       Wind In The Willows. This film is a cartoon but it has a nice drawn old feel to it, if you can understand that. Rick Mayall does the voice of Toad and it fits the character so well!

7.       A Little Princess. I love this film but the only problem is I haven’t been able to watch it for years because it honestly has me in uncontrollable tears every time. But the whole story is just so beautiful.

8.       Oliver & Company. This was a film I would constantly sing along too, the songs are so catchy. The funny thing is I only realised a couple of years ago that it’s based of Oliver Twist but animal version. I was a bit slow.

9.   Garfield. I love Garfield so much, my sister gave me her Garfield books, I collected so many Garfield teddies and I’m convinced my cat is related to him. So when the film came out I loved it so much.

10.   Peter Pan. Let’s end it with the best, the 2003 version of Peter Pan. Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan was probably every girls crush at that time and still is really. I could watch the film over and over.

                                                                                  Mo xox


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