March & April Book Review

Staying At Daisy’s - I got half into reading it when I realised I’ve read it before. I started guessing right what was going to happen and thought this was strange I was getting everything right! Anyway I love the story, the funny things that happen and how many things are linked without people really knowing.  And Jill Mansell is a great author!

Good At Games - Another Jill Mansell and another great book. I have to admit it took me a long time to read but only because I’ve been so busy with veda and couldn’t get myself into a reading mood. Susy in the book is great, the relationship between her and her ex husband is good, I found myself laughing at how they are. But I also found myself interested in her half sister, what she was like and her love for music. And let’s just say I wasn’t a fan of Harry, I found him annoying.

Coming Up Roses – So one evening I wanted to just spend time reading, my time to shut off. 3 hours later I read the book and fell in love with it! Daisy’s passion for gardening, preserving the history of the village through the gardens, I loved it! Her friendship with Thomas is so lovely, the 85 year old that has been the gardener for so many of the gardens through the village. And the friendships she makes with everyone in the village, id love there to be a second book!

The Beachside Guest House – Story of the three best friends, how after being the closest of friends as teens, they grew apart because of life but still have this memory of visiting this Greek island as teens. Revisiting the place to start a new life and bond back together. I love the way the book describes the island, makes me want to go there and stay at the windmill guest house myself!

                                                                             Mo xox


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