What's Going Onnnnn?

Well... I’m here to say sorry I haven’t posted anything blog wise this month! I thought even though I’m doing VEDA I would at least get one blog post up in a week... with in middle of week 2 I realised I hadn’t written anything and I suck. But hopefully I having a video up EVERY SINGLE DAY this month is worthy and understandable for you.

The thing is with VEDA I don’t actually get to chat properly like my week vlogs, I don’t get to natter on what’s been going on. Half of me is missing that but the other is kind of glad I’ve not had the opportunity to do that because of things going on that I don’t wish to make public. I feel like with the week vlogs I try to put a chatty smiley face and last week I would just be faking it which I hate doing.

But then there has been things going on past few weeks that I would have put in the week vlog, like our chimney setting on fire because of a birds nest. But I did put a clip of the fire engine driving away in a video for VEDA so keep an eye out for that. What I’m trying to say is I’ve not been in the best mood because of life and it’s probably a good job you don’t get to see that.

One thing I will say is, if you’re having that sort day/week/month where everything is getting on top of you, find someone to talk about it too.  I’ve always been a sensitive person, so when things pile on it’s very easy for me to just burst out crying at the slightest thing. One of the most annoying things about me I’d say. So I did that today and my sister made me talk, so thanks big sis!

I’ve got many things to look forward to the next few weeks and I’m so glad for that because most of them are with Caitlin. It’s like we have hardly seen each other for past year and probably more, but we’re going to see each other constantly at least the next 2 weekends. And yes, I shall be vlogging! I also shall be back to vlogging the week vlog the last week of April, ready to go up the first Monday of May. I’ve only got handful of videos left to film for VEDA and most of them are the events I’ll be at this weekend coming, so it’s all calming down with that. Saying that though, VEDA has been my kind of escape from the real world anyway.

Hopefully I shall be back to writing again now, I’ll get some ideas going in my little head!
                                                                     Mo xox


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