Mo's Introvert Head...

The start of this week has been a week of wanting to just be in my head. What I mean by that is all I want to do read, write, plan, make stories, play music and think how I would perform that certain song. Since a kid I've had a big imagination, something I don't really share is how I make stories up in my head but I never know how to start putting them down to write. But I can write like this, writing in my real life. And that's the same with dance, I get in these moods when all I want to do is listen to music and create these dance moves to express that song.

Honestly it's rather annoying when I get this way, I want to confide myself in a dimmed room where no one can see me and I can be in my own bubble, my own world. I guess I've started to understand why I'm like this more since I found out about the personality test, which I've spoken about before in another blog post. But when it gets like this, I'm trying to get things done in everyday life while my mind constantly fights to go back to that world of my own.

It's actually been awhile since I've had a constant few days like this. Normally it's in the evening I get like this and I can shut myself off in the kitchen with my iPod, while the dog watches me half asleep. I guess that's my introvert taking over when I shut myself away at certain times. But this week has been wanting to dance that is taking over, so much that I can't even concentrate on a book to read. I'm literally itching to get my iPod and shut myself away, which is pretty hard when the only place I can dance is the kitchen and your mum is in and out of there most of the day. I have thought about my shed at bottom of the garden, but I'd need curtains, something to keep the spiders away and not to freak myself out of I hear anything at night that sounds strange.

I'll have my own dance studio room one day I guess...
                                                                       Mo xox


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