Return To Neverland Chat

I noticed last night that Return To Neverland had been added to Netflix. Now when I first saw this film as a kid in 2002, I didn't mind it but I felt disappointed. It just didn't feel right but I didn't know how to explain it back then. 

So I decided to watch it again and see how I felt now in my 20's. I was ready to be disappointed and I knew I was ready to be maybe too critical. First thing I noticed that I didn't as a kid, or I don't remember noticing, is that the dog is called Nana 2. Really?! That dog has to live up to Nana, there can only be one Nana, that just isn't fair. 
The only thing I can remember loving is the song 'I'll Try', I would put that song on all the time and sing along, I still do now. I think I was more drawn to it early teens knowing I was growing up.

Then I carried on watching and certain things started to click with me about the message of the film. I like how Jane has to learn to be a child, don't be so grown up and take things on you shouldn't as a child. When the Lost boys are throwing her notebook around and teasing her, she's getting so annoyed because there just being so childish. I can relate to that a lot, I always put on this grown up head as a child and get so annoyed if other kids around me were acting so childish. I forgot I was a child too.

The next thing I noticed, they swap the roles. Peter doesn't save the girl, she saves him!! She defeats hook, shows him who's boss. Peter helps her when she needs it but she's taking charge. And I love that!

So over all I love the message of the film. But it's still got what I wasn't a fan of as a kid. The old Disney Peter Pan had a feel of still real like, where Return To Neverland feels too much of a cartoon. Like nothing could be real really. What ship is going to bring Hook to London, have its anchor drag across the street and leave havoc. But when Peter brought the ship to London in the original, the way it's in the sky flying makes it feel more feel because who would actually know it's been there? 

Anyway that's just how I feel. Plus I miss the original voices for the characters, but then I know that's not going to happen 50+ years later.

                                                                          Mo xox


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