October Gigs!

October has been a month of gigs and I’ve honestly loved it so much. I’d already had two gigs planned at the end of the month but then the beginning of the month came a surprise gig. When One Direction announced their tour this year, me and a friend did try to get hold of some tickets but they sold out pretty quick. Then the week before the Manchester dates my friend was like ‘Right we need to go, we need to find tickets!’ I was up for it but I honestly didn’t think we would.
 The Thursday before, she texted me to say she actually got hold of some, on ground floor! We were at the end of the run way, 5 rows behind. Honestly some of the best seats, my friend got soaked in the face with Harry’s water bottle, I only got a little bit wet. But it practically made her day! And I got a smile of Liam, so I practically skipped out the place. Unfortunately I had trouble with the memory card on my camera and my phone had died so I only got to film a little bit, but my friend filmed and took pictures  so I’ve got them. So thanks Dan!

Later on in the month I was going with Bryony and Cerys to see The Wombats in Liverpool and then the next day Lucy Rose in Wrexham. We never planned to be going to two gigs in the same weekend, but The Wombats had been rescheduled from September. So it was just the way it had worked out.

The Wombats were amazing, but I knew they would be. My very first gig was The Wombats at Delamere forest in summer 2012. All I remember was it rained most of the time, I was freezing sitting on top of the hill watching the support acts and when they finally came on we missed so much of the ending because we had to get the train home. At the time I’d only just started listening to them and some friends back then had invited me, so I only knew songs like Joy Division and Techo Fan. So this time I was way more into it, sang and danced a lot more. And got propped squashed in the crowd of people.

Then Lucy Rose was amazing too! One of her supporting acts called Jake Isaac, I think has now become a favourite of ours, so go check him out. Bryony had introduced us to Lucy Rose back at the beginning of the year, as she’s been listening and following Lucy for the last 3 years and when we met Lucy, I think Bry was quite happy to tell Lucy how she’d introduced her music to us.
We were right up to the front of the stage, once we got there we never moved. Nobody was going to get our space. Although my neck still hurts from having to look up the whole night. Bry and Cerys both got a set list and Lucy signed them. Had to laugh at the fact Bry got told off for looking at the set list before Lucy got on. Me and Bry got a poster too which Lucy signed, and of course we all got a photo with her.

So it’s been an eventful month really. Next month is going a little bit eventful too...we’re going to see Dan Croll! I think I’m more excited to see Cerys face when she sees him again, can’t wait to vlog it! And I’m also going to Wales Comic Con, see Andrew Lee Potts once again! All very exciting!!

                                                                         Mo xox


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