Toffee Apple Cupcakes

So here I am again trying to bake new things. The actual cupcakes have turned out really well and everyone said they are yummy. It was the sugar baskets that didn’t turn out that well so I’m not going include them in the recipe as I didn’t include them at the end. But if you want to give them a try I’m sure you can google how to do that. Maybe in the future I can complete them without having a meltdown.


  150g Butter
   150g Light Brown Sugar
             140g Self Raising Flour
             10g Corn flour
              1 tsp Baking Powder
         3 Eggs
         1 tsp Cinnamon
        1 tsp Vanilla Extract
         2 Apples, peeled, cored and diced
         3 tbsp Caster Sugar 
1           Zest & Juice Half a Lemon

     The Topping
           300ml Double Cream
          4tbsp Dulce de Leche Sauce

So to start of the first thing you need to do is peel, core and dice those apples. I find it the most annoying part but you got to get it done first. Stick the diced apples in a pan with the caster sugar, lemon zest and juice, also the vanilla extract. Make sure it boils and then once it does put it to simmer until soft. Drain the liquid and with a fork mask the apples. I found there were still little hard pieces but it didn’t matter at the end of it. Put to the side to let cool before you need it again.

Preheat your oven to 160c or gas mark 3 and line your tray with cases. Get your mixing bowl, add your light brown sugar and butter and mix until light and fluffy.  In a separate bowl sift in your flour, corn flour, cinnamon and baking powder together.
Now you’re going to do this next step three times. Add one egg to the butter and sugar, with 1/3 of the flour mixture, beat until all mixed together. Do those steps two more times till all the ingredients are mixed well together.  Now making sure the apples have now cooled, slowly fold in the apples evenly throughout the mixture.

Grab your tray with the cases and divide the mixture between the cases evenly. I got hold of a ice cream scoop for this and I found it a lot easier. Stick them in the oven for 30-35minutes. Remove once you think they are done, you can stick a sharp knife or skewer in the middle to see if you are. If the knife or skewer comes out clean then they are ready, if it’s sticky give it a few more minutes. Leave them to cool before the next step. 

Now for the Toffee Cream! Pour the cream into a bowl and add the 4tbsp of Dulce de Leche. You are going to need an electric whisk for this or your arm will hate you for whisking so much. Once it’s a nice thick cream, stick into a piping bag and get icing them cupcakes. Of course making sure they are cool enough to do that.

My piping is terrible but I was told I could do with a larger nozzle for piping so I shall be doing that next time.

                                                              Hope you enjoy!
                                                                    Mo xox


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