Another Chatty Update

I know I’ve sucked at blogs lately but I can promise you there will be lots of posts in June, but I shall be chatting about that at the end of the month and give you more details. 

I guess I’m just here to tell you what’s been happening lately, I’ve nothing big or exact to tell you. Honestly with this Ball coming up and lots of other things going on, my mind just isn’t going into writing. But I had some free time and thought I’d have a chat. 

Honestly excited for the summer, talking about visiting more places with friends, staying in Liverpool for the weekend and hopefully some picnics once this sun comes back! Don’t you find it that when the sun comes out, you’re just not prepared and then when you try to organise a nice day out in that sun it goes away. Every time for me! 

For weeks I had Meghan Trainor’s song NO on repeat and now her new album is, I’m loving it! Her last album Title was always on repeat last year and now her album Thank You, her style of music is my type of thing. Easy to make you want to dance to, catchy and the slower songs make you want to belt them out. 

I’ve said I would do a cover when I get to 100 subscribers, I’ve tried to learn a song on guitar but then I don’t get the time constantly. I want to do it, but I don’t really know if it’s going to happen. I can’t think of a song to do that is easy for the guitar, if you have any ideas let me know.

So there’s my update, if you want to see what I’ve been up to in the week, follow my week vlogs every Monday!

                                                                        Mo xox


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