Bit late

So I missed putting a blog up, last week was a bit busy and I just didn't get time to write. 
I've never said i'd write every week, it's just something in my head I wanted to do. 
One of the things I did was go and see the new Disney film Frozen with Cerys. If your following me on Instagram or Twitter, you will already know I'm now obsessed about the film now. Yeah there's the normal 'she falls in love with the prince' at the start. But it has a real twist, that makes it different to other princess stories. I completely love Anna's hair, so much I've really thought about dying my hair ginger! But then I want to change my hair too often. So if you haven't watched it yet, you really must do!
Thursday was a Disney day for me, watched Tinkerbell movie and Robin Hood so far. As a child I'd go to the library with my mum and take out a film once a week, Robin Hood was always a favourite to get out. Always thought he was a good looking fox in it too! I mean he's no Peter Pan, but no one can beat him of course.
Currently watching Pocahontas with Cait at her house, always wanted to be Pocahontas. She's just such a strong woman. And I'm just jealous of her long black hair!

Anyway if you ever fancy giving me a subject to talk about just get untouch and let me know! 
Ta ta for now,
                     Mo xox


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