New Experiences...

I’m actually so excited for this year, in this short time of being in 2015 I have so many things planned, being planned or just things I really want to do. Lots of music related things are being planned and that makes me so happy! Since I was a young teen there was so many gigs and concerts I wanted to go to but never got the chance. Now I have these people around me who love music as much as me and they are helping me to just go for it.

Another thing I want to do this year is just go somewhere new that I’ve always wanted to go. By the end of last year I felt like I was just doing the same thing every week. Yes, I do love having familiar places and things around me. But I felt like I needed a change, so I’m trying to do that. That’s my plan this year, every new place I go to I’ll write about it and tell you all how I got on.

I think that’s my goal this year, try take a step forward, try new things even if I’m not as comfy with it at first. Experience new things, new people, new places. Make more memories to tell people a few years from now.

                                                                     Mo xox


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