New Year Thinking

I’m not the sort of person that says ‘In the New Year I’m going to do this and I’m going to do more of that’. I just think ‘oh it’s a new year, another year trying to do more’. Yes I always think of new things I could do and experience. And the last few years I’ve tried to jump at things more so. But I don’t find a huge point in saying ‘I will do this and that for the new year’, when you don’t even know what’s going to come. I’m not saying you shouldn’t personally have goals, because I do have my own goals. I just rather not focus on the year to come to do it. I want to do those things when they come up, the moment they do. Why should you wait to do them the following year?

I do get why people say like ‘New Year new me’ type of thing, and they make plans that the New Year is going to be different. But a few months in and things go back to the way they were. I mean I know that’s not all people of course. So that’s why I don’t have this thing in my head of ‘New Year, new me’ thinking. If I want things to change, I’d rather I did it there and then.  The next year isn’t going to be different if you don’t change it yourself and stick to it.

                                                        Tell me what you think...
                                                                    Mo xox


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