Chester Zoo

I went to Chester Zoo recently, I vlogged the whole day which will be up sometime this week.
Here's some pictures of the animals and our day...

The band photo.
We always seem to have photo sessions where ever we go.
I wish I could have got closer to the elephants
I love the colour of the flamingos, they are the best animal to photograph.

My cats do the same in the sun, whatever size a cat is they all do the same.

I was very happy about the fence inbetween me and this HUGE bird

I find tortoises so cute.

This was a litle birds nest Cerys found.

Giraffes are so amazing!

In the butterfly house, in one little place there was so much beauty.

We got to the otters just in time to see them being fed.

Charlotte tried to give me and Cerys piggyback rides, watch the vlog

Was a good day at Chester Zoo!

 Mo xox


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