Car Theory Test Experience

So I’ve failed my theory test once again, second time to fail but I did pass about 5 years ago, it’s just annoying that it expires after 2 years!  But I wanted to chat about my experience and how I find revising for it better for me.

When it comes to revising, the best way for me is to do it little and often. If I revise for hours then my attention will go to something else. For example the cat is asleep next to me, I start to stroke it and then the next thing I know I’m curled up next to it dozing off myself. Or I end up on a group chat with friends and next thing I know it’s been a couple of hours later. You get what I mean.

The things that do help revising are obviously books, but the main thing that does help is DVSA Official Complete Theory Test Kit for the computer, it comes with 2 discs. It helps you study first, and then you can try a practise of 10 questions each time. After you think you’ve got that down then you can try the mock test! When it comes to the hazard perception there are many scenes you get to practise and it’s great to try before your actual test so you know what to expect.

For the actual day, make sure you have a good night’s sleep before hand! And you’ve ate something because having your tummy rumble in the quietest room is not fun, my own experience there!

                                                                              Mo xox


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