
Just a quick update for you all...

I’m doing VEDA again this year, I wasn’t going to but then I thought ahhh I might as well, I had a lot of fun doing it last year! And it’s even better because my friend Bryony is doing it too, so go and keep up to date with her videos. We’ve got some videos together that will be going up on her channel, one that we’ve been talking about doing but shhh, secret project.  I’ll have some simple video’s that are just sit down chatting, ones that are beauty related, some day out vlogs and hopefully a spring look book if all goes to plan.

Also before VEDA starts I’ve got a Star Wars themed look going up, which was fun to create. Well I say that, but standing outside in the wind wasn’t so much fun. But the thing is after April, I may be running out of ideas. So if you can think of anything you’d like me to do just give me a shout!

                                                                      Mo xox


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