From Rainy Days To Being A Child

Rainy days, I love them. I mean it’s not great being outside when it’s pouring down. But if it’s a home day and you don’t have to go out, you can make things so cosy like wrapping up in a blanket and watching a movie or reading a book. I am currently spending part of the day writing and editing videos for my rainy day but I will get a book out later as it is my favourite thing to do on these days.

When the weather isn’t so cold as it is right now, I will sit in the conservatory listening to the rain. That might sound strange to you but it reminds me of childhood, sitting in our old caravan while it rained listening to it hit the roof, it brings back special memories.

It’s funny how my reaction to rain is to curl up with a book, I guess I must have done it as a child when I couldn’t go outside and it’s just carried on. I did spend a good amount of time as a child in the garden, I had a big imagination plus so did my nephew (he’s 1 year older) and between the two of us we’d come up with some sort of game that involved sleeping on the mini shed roof, eating grass and using whatever we found in the garden to make something out of. Saying that though, he would tell me to eat the grass with him and I would think he was crazy.

You would think growing up in a town I wouldn’t have a lot of greenery as a child, but I was around it all the time. From my mum’s allotment down the road, going to different parks around the area and then to my weekend trips to Delamere forest to become a junior forest ranger, I think I did alright. I was never a proper girly girl, I’ve loved dressing up and doing my hair all my life but I was always trying to climb a tree and get stuck in mud. Forever wanting to be as good as the boys at everything, copying them when it came to Pokémon, Star Wars and many other things.

Anyway, I’ve gone from rain to being a part time tom boy. I think every child should be let loose with nature and their imagination, I love watching one of my youngest nephews use his imagination while he’s playing. They you should even have some fun as an adult, try being a kid one day in a forest and make a den, or just make a den at home. You can still have fun!

                                                                               Mo xox


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