TV & Films I've Been Hooked On

Ever wondered what I’ve been watching lately? Then wonder no more! I sound like a cheesy advert, sorry I’ll stop now. Right well, I wanted to tell you the TV shows and movies I’ve been watching recently as it’s always a good way to make conversation with someone, especially when you bond over a show you both love. So here’s my list…

1.       Big Bang Theory, it’s one of the shows I’ll keep on in the background while I’m busy with other things but I like the sound of something to keep me entertained. And yes it will distract me at times, I’ll just be sitting there laughing at something Sheldon said and then realise 20 minutes later I should be carrying on. But don’t worry, that doesn’t happen when I have it on while I’m in the kitchen cooking.

2.       PLL (Pretty Little Liars), I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the last 5 series and now next spring it’s coming to an end. I refreshed my mind a few months back and watched the whole thing again, I still learn something new that I didn’t pick up on another time. PLL is like an addiction, once you love it there’s no going back.

3.       Meet The Parents, I actually saw Zoe Suggs tweet about this first, then I went on ITV IPlayer and loved it. Imagine letting your parents describe you, embarrass you, just to get a date with another person. It’s hilarious! I think the people are mad doing it, but it’s a great twist to another dating show.

4.       Poldark, I’m late to the party with this show. The only reason I started watching it was it came on Netflix and I thought might as well try it. Watched the first season with it 2 days and was gutted the second season wasn’t on there. Went over to BBC IPlayer and realised they didn’t have the first 5 episodes, just from episode 6 onwards. So, I’m waiting for Netflix to give me the second season! I’m hooked, I fell in love and I don’t regret it one bit.

5.       Michael McIntyre’s Big Show, the second season has just started, I loved last year’s season A LOT. Michael has me in stitches and not a lot of comedians get to me like that. I laugh of course but with Michael I’m on the floor trying to breath from laughing too much. My favourite part will always be when he takes a celebs phone and sends a funny text to all their contacts, later reading out the replies they get. Whoever came up with the idea of the show needs a pat on the back!

6.       Once Upon a Time, this show has been everything to me since 2012 when it first came to the UK. Then I was having to wait for the DVD’s to come out a year later to the UK, which was a complete pain! Netflix saved me when they started bringing the episodes out the day after the USA. I even stuck by it when they made a change with Peter Pan that shocked me, I won’t say anything if you haven’t watched it, don’t worry. But it actually grew on me and that’s why I love the show, no matter what changes they do make to what you know from Disney, I always end up loving it anyway.

7.       Avengers, I’ve basically been watching anything Marvel superheroes. Netflix don’t seem to have as many on at the moment which is sad, so then I tend to YouTube Avenger’s bloopers from all their films. Or watch any funny interviews with the cast, Robert Downey jr, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth are my favourites to watch, the characters of them as themselves are just entertaining.

I’m sure I have other films I’ve watched over past few months, but these are what I’ve been loving or obsessing over lately. Tell me what’s been keeping you hooked!
                                                                             Mo xox


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