My Earring Collection

As a child I was always collecting hair accessories and jewellery, I always had jewellery boxes full of bits n bobs of hair clips, bobbles, hairbands, bracelets etc. Started wearing clip on earrings around being 10 to 11 years old, I hated how much they ended up hurting. So came the day I got my ears pierced, I think my mum was happy to let me once I was the age of being able to clean and look after the piercing myself because she hates the idea of having to touch and clean the piercing herself. 
Collecting earring became a hobby, I would be in the shop Claire's Accessories as soon as I had any money to spend. Forever buying the goodie bags and loving finding what jewellery I had got in the bag. I still have the metal high school musical tin I kept all my earrings in. Hoops were a huge favourite, I'd buy them in all colours if I could. 

And so that brings us to me now, 24 years old, still having a love for hoops. The difference between then and now, as a child I would buy any type, now I'm more fussy (what a surprise) in what earrings I like to wear. I like a little bit of unusual, different to what you see normally on people when it comes to dangly earrings. But when they are small, maybe stud, I like simple, dainty type. Maybe a little bit of fun like my mickey mouse or buttons. What I love the most is when I've made earrings myself that I love and happily wear.

My Earring Collection YouTube Video

                                                                           Mo xox


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