Meet Cooper

Meet Cooper, he’s the new addition to the family. He was born 16th of June 2018, as I’m writing this he’s 3 months old but I don’t know when this will be posted. He’s actually called Cooper Carrots, my 5 year old nephew gave him the middle name. I’ll tell you the story of how he came to us.

A few months ago I was at my sisters house, she had 5 labradors and not long before had a litter of puppies. My mum had fallen in love with one who they nicknamed Charlie Brown, the rest of the day she kept hinting about getting a puppy but we both knew we couldn’t for many reasons. A week later we were looking after my 2 year old nephew, when she randomly said to me why don’t we get a rabbit for the nephews when they come over. So weeks went on and we got a hutch, I’d read so much about rabbits and I’d decided I wanted a mini lop breed. We’d talked to a lady in pets at home about what’s best if we got two, she said (and many other people have said afterwards) that a boy and girl neutered is the best for bonding two rabbits together but there’s also a chance they might not get on. I’d spent a long time finding people that had mini lop babies, I’d looked into adopting at a rescue centre too but this way was just better for us. Finally someone got back to me and we agreed on a day to go look at some babies. When we saw them I knew mum loved the Fawn coloured ones and we should start with a boy. Turns out he was 8 weeks old and could be taken that day! Good job I’d got the hutch and a few things for him already.
It took him a few weeks to settle, at the moment he spends the nights in his hutch in the shed but everyday he’s back in the living room running around in his playpen. He was just over 3 months when we started introducing grass, then broccoli, spinach, basil, parsley. Recently he’s had some curly kale and loves it, but I make sure he’s eating his hay and pellets too.

Very soon he’s being neutered, which means once he’s recovered from that we’re hoping his toilet training will be even better than it is right now. And then I have a dog crate ready waiting for him upstairs so he can come out of the hutch at night and chill upstairs with me. 
It’s still new having a house bunny, I’m so used to have the cats who are very independent and then Minnie the dog, they are just a normal part of my life. So having a new animal in the house with different needs is still taking time to adjust but we’re getting there. 

When he’s had his operation I’m sure I’ll be back talking about what happened and how he’s doing. I’ll also chat about how the other animals in the house are getting used to him and what he’s like personality wise. If you’d like to see weekly pictures and see what he’s up to then go follow his Instagram page cooper.carrots


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