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Meet Cooper

Meet Cooper, he’s the new addition to the family. He was born 16th of June 2018, as I’m writing this he’s 3 months old but I don’t know when this will be posted. He’s actually called Cooper Carrots, my 5 year old nephew gave him the middle name. I’ll tell you the story of how he came to us. A few months ago I was at my sisters house, she had 5 labradors and not long before had a litter of puppies. My mum had fallen in love with one who they nicknamed Charlie Brown, the rest of the day she kept hinting about getting a puppy but we both knew we couldn’t for many reasons. A week later we were looking after my 2 year old nephew, when she randomly said to me why don’t we get a rabbit for the nephews when they come over. So weeks went on and we got a hutch, I’d read so much about rabbits and I’d decided I wanted a mini lop breed. We’d talked to a lady in pets at home about what’s best if we got two, she said (and many other people have said afterwards) that a boy and girl neutere

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