Challenge Accepted

Hello my lovely people!
So I've been thinking... I know, that's quite dangerous for me. You never know what I'll come up with.
This weekend me and Cait are supposed to be having some time together (it's 1D day on Saturday, we'll be fan girling all day) and I thought 'hmm what could we do for the blog?'
Then I thought what about a challenge!
I want you guys to think of something for us, nothing too out there, but something funny that we could maybe video for you guys.
Who in there right mind wouldn't want to dare us?!
So go and think, then get in touch with me... Maybe by twitter @IckleMo or email us at
But please get back to me by Friday 22nd, thank you :)

Have fun thinking and hope you have a good week...
                                                                            Mo xox

P.S I've not actually told Cait yet about my idea. So if your reading this Cait, we're having some fun this weekend ;)


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