Mo's favourite month...

This week I thought I'd just give you a good natter, nothing specific.

First I'd like to say I'm very sorry, but our challenge didn't really work out. The lovely friend of ours Cerys, who has the blog 'lifewithcerys', did give us a challenge. We went to see Catching Fire on Friday with a group of friends, so Cerys wanted me and Cait to go up to strangers and ask them what they thought about One Direction. It's not the sort of thing I would be daring to do, but Cait was up for it. But after the excitement of the film, we went of to McDonald's and forgot all about it. So we kind of failed, but I will keep it in mind and try to do it very soon for you all.

Second, is it just me or has it gone extra cold this week? Actually bought my winter coat this Monday, so glad I did! The layers of clothes have started. But that actually excites me, I love wrapping up! Maybe because I was born in November? I don't know, but I do love this month.
Couple of weeks ago my mum was like 'right, we need to go conker hunting.' And so of we went to the woods near by, there I am on my hands and knees, searching for conkers underneath piles and piles of leaves. I absolutely loved it. Just wished I could have taken my little 1 year old nephew, because it's the sort of thing you love as a child. I even forgave my dog for pulling me over and covering me in dirt.
Now let's just wait for the snow. And can I just say, every year I say I want a snowball fight. I'm still waiting... Just saying.

So wrap up, keep warm and try being a kid this week. Go jump in the leaves or the puddles. Or maybe one night cuddle up on the sofa and watch your favourite Disney film.
                                                                                                               Have a bit of fun...
                                                                                                                                     Mo xox


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