Dinah to Cheshire

For those who follow me on Instagram, will have heard about my shocking news yesterday.
We sent our 5 month old kitten, Dinah, to the vets. (Dinah is from Alice in Wonderland, Alice's cat at the start.) To have the operation so no kitties come along as soon as we let her outside.
Now before I tell you the shocking news we got, let me tell you we got her from a family that had 7 children and the guy was a farmer. You would think he would know about animals!
We were waiting for the vet to ring after 2pm that day, to let us know when she was ready. So my mum calls me downstairs and says she has some news. The vet rang and said HE is ready to pick up.
Yes... it turns out Dinah is a boy.
We got to the vets and seems that everyone there knew about the mix up, probably their highlight of the day. I've got used to saying him, it's the name change I'm still getting used to. Yes, I thought I better change the name.
So Dinah left as a girl that morning and came home later as a boy named Cheshire. I wanted to keep with the Alice in Wonderland theme, and what better than be named after the Cheshire cat.
Also Cheshire suits that name really well because he is so mad! He does some crazy stunts that last most of the day.

I've got three other cats...Cassie who is about 7 and the twins Francis and Moj (real name Mojo jojo, from the Power Puff girls). Moj is the biggest as she loves to eat, she will steal the rest of the cats food and the dogs food too. You can see her tummy nearly touching the floor while she walks. And after holding little Cheshire, Moj feels so heavy. But the funny thing is, Moj might be the biggest but Cheshire likes to chase Moj around the couch. Little and Large, they need there own show.
Then there's the other boy Francis, surprisingly Francis is the first one that Cheshire got on with, even though their both lads. But Francis is the most sweetest, shy cat around.
Now Cassie just gives Cheshire a hiss and maybe a whack of the paw as soon as he comes near her. She stays in my room a lot, sleeping on my bed. So when he comes walking in my room and wakes her up, she tells him what for.

Then there's Minnie the Border Collie, the cats are her sheep. She'll go round up the cats up in the garden. Or at night when we are getting the cats inside, while your calling them in she'll bark with you as if she's trying to help. Then quickly go eat what's left in her bowl so they cant get it.

Anyway there's my pets for you, never a boring life with them lot!
                                                                                                      Mo xox

Francis and Moj




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