Chester treasure hunt

Hello again, three blogs on the run for you this week, woah!
I'm just here to tell you about a treasure hunt I organised, also to say I've uploaded another vlog all about it. I gave my camera to Cait, Joe and Jonathan and let them video it all. Only thing is they didn't complete it because it was too cold and rainy for them. But I laughed so much watching it I had to show you all.

The basis of the treasure hunt was I gave them a list of clues, every time they found the answers they had to take a picture, with at least one of there team mates in the picture, with the place or item they found. Then uploaded it to Instagram with the hash tag #motreasurehunt.
Me and Cerys waited in McDonalds in the warmth and followed their pictures.

Anyway have some fun watching these three mad people, oh and the rest of us that are shown.
 Mo xox  -Chester treasure hunt


  1. I enjoy very much this post and the video you have uploaded because we did a Treasure Hunt in class during the week and we found it a bit difficult but we like it so much. Our Treasure Hunt was for kids of Primary Education, here you can watch how is it:
    "The Little Ants" is the name of my group of Organization class and we hope you enjoy it!! :)


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