Ice cream goodness

Hello my little friends, how are you all doing? I'm just freezing away in my house as my boiler isn't working right now. But my good old brother, the plumber, is looking at it as I write. So my feet might actually unfreeze by tonight.

Anyway, I've come to tell you we have a new vlog up. Me, Cait, Cerys, Gill and Steve, all went to the Cheshire ice cream farm in Tattenhall, Tuesday just gone. I took the camera along with us, then spent half the time panicking cause I forgot to charge the camera and it was dying slowly. But all was fine, it lasted the good old faithful camera it is.
All the animals seemed to love Cait, the pony and goat didn't leave her alone. And there was the cutest baby rabbit ever!! Then we found more that were hiding at the back of the hutch, one was ginger, the cutest one of course.

Now let's talk about ice cream. I had double chocolate, which was chocolate ice cream with white chocolate chips in it. On a single chocolate waffle, yes it was good. Cerys had a double, you'll have to ask her what she had. I don't remember and she hasn't text'd me back to say. But Cait, she went all out. Biggest cone, with 4 different ice creams. Now i can't remember all what she had, but two of them was Oreo and raspberry and a blue bubblegum.

Then the car journey back was lots of singing along to songs. Cait always seems to take the role of DJ in the car, with our added suggestions.
I showed everyone my dramatic fave disney song to sing along too. I say dramatic because I like to act it out that way. It's 'I won't say I'm in love' from Hercules.

Well looks like the rest of my day consists of cleaning, singing and a lazy cat called Cheshire trying to lie on me all day if he can.
    Have a good week everyone,
                                                 Mo xox

Cheshire Ice Cream Farm Vlog -


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