Stuff and more stuff

Well howdy y'all!
It's been awhile... Like a couple a months but ah well! I been busy so don't judge! But I am currently sitting in a den that me and Mo made in her room and she said its about time I started writing again so yeah, here I am!
And just want to give a shoutout to Joe cause he said that I am the laziest person when it comes to this blog so, thanks Joe! BFF!
It's been mental this past few weeks, starting with me being homeschooled from now on cause lets just say that I didn't really fit in that well...

*Do you wanna build a snowman starts playing in back round*

But yeah I am having a blast now! Thanks to the amazing people in my life and, the only way is up now. I'm going to Ireland to stay with family for a month too so that will be fun! Except for a few people
* cough* *Cerys, Gill and Simone* *Cough*  telling me off for leaving them so long but I love you all and I'm not gonna leave any time soon ;-)
But I find it weird how the day I return, my friend Jonathan flys out! So won't see him in awhile sorry!!
Mo has told me I have to do at least two blogs while I'm out there so I can let you all ( her basically ) know how I am and stuff...

I won't give to much away but I would just like to say thanks to Mo for the treasure hunt we did on Sat! It was so much fun and we did a vlog on it which is hilarious. Pretty much just Joe and Jon being the nut cases that they are...
Not much else to say really, so hope I didn't bore you that much.
So yeah! Byeeeeeeeee!

                             Caiti x


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