
So this last week I have been so busy, last Tuesday I literally sat in my pyjamas all day sitting on the couch. And no not because I was lazy that day, but because I had so much to do that day from the minute I got up till late afternoon, that I just hardly moved.
But it was so worth it!

Ladies and Gentleman can I announce my new Etsy shop! Yes, my business plan is starting to take place! And I am so excited over it! Ok so I haven't got a lot of items up there yet, but I plan adding more on to it and hoping it grows a lot more.
So I bet your wondering what exactly I'm selling right?
Ok, so everything is home made and unique in it's own way. Nothing is the same, you buy the item you want and you will be the only one with it! I make bracelets, earrings, knitted things like there's a tie up there now, hair clips, pins and combs and theres plenty more ideas to come. All made with either beads, buttons or bows...which is why the shop is called BeadButtonsBows.

Fancy a nosey then?
Go have a look, see what you like and come tell me what you think!
And if there's something you see but maybe it's not quite the colour you want...Ask me if I could do one similar. No harm in asking, I can either say 'Yeah sure, give me some time and I'll see what I can do' or I can say 'I'm really sorry but I cant' for some good enough reason. I will try aim to please!

                       Like I said, have a look, tell me what you think and I'll chat soon :)

                           P.S Had an idea or plan, but never got round to it? Just do it!

                                                                         Mo xox


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