This Week So Far

This week is going to be so busy for me. The party is this Saturday and I'm already so nervous! It's like will enough people come, will there be enough food and drink, will the games go ok, will the whole thing go to plan? I know, I need to calm down but I can't shut my brain off and I don't think I should anyway. Too much to do.

Out of the whole planning of this party, it's the decoration making that makes me the happiest. I love creating and coming with new things to make. I think that's why I do these party's, to give me an excuse to make things. Otherwise my room would have changed a lot of times!

But this afternoon is Marley time and I'm like right I need to forget about party for a couple of hours (I'm writing this while him and mum are out on her mobility scooter). So I decided to stick Disney Peter Pan on for him. Mum keeps saying 'I think he's too young, he's not really bothered about it'. Nobody is too young to watch Peter Pan, or even too old! Then I was like 'Marley, shall we fly?' I stuck my arms out, like I did as a kid, and started flying around the room. Then I held his arms out and ran around too. Then he shouted 'again!', yes I was happy.  Childhood memories all coming back to me.

Also the Monday just gone, me and Cerys went out on our bikes for over 2 hours. Now Cerys had only just got back into going on the bike, and the same with me about a month ago. So that was the longest we'd biked in a long time. And surprisingly, even though Cerys complained most of the day about her bum hurting, we didn't hurt/ache that much the next day. So I'm really enjoying going on the bike and getting exercise plus the fresh air. That's for summer though, dunno how I'll be when winter comes around again. Funny what the sun can do to you, makes you want to move and do stuff.

                                                                      So that's my week.
                                                             What have you got planned?
                                                                             Mo xox


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