Is Summer Here?

I think It might be summer at last!!
This beautiful beautiful weather, so nice and warm and makes you feel so happy. I want to go ride my bike everywhere now!
Also... I WANT A WATER FIGHT! Every summer I say I need to buy a pool, water guns and whatever water thing I can get hold of. And I never do, this summer needs to be different! I ended up putting my feet in a tin bowl full of cold water yesterday, it's not as fun.

So Saturday bunch of us went to Liverpool and it was hot. But they had water sprinkler fountain things and of course it's windy by the docks so kept us cool a bit. We had the best time!
My aim that day was to go to The Cavern and I manage to get everyone to go. I just love that place! And now I think I've got Cait wanting to go anytime we can. This band from Holland was playing, Cait bought there album. Then Cait, Jon and Joe went backstage and asked then to sign it. Let's just say Cait was like a little fan girl for quite awhile. The guys said her hand was shaking meeting the band, awww Cait!
But while they did that, the rest of us had this guy with a camera asking us what we thought of the playing. I couldn't hear him very well but Jared got some camera time. You never know our faces might be somewhere!
The vlog is now up so I shall put the link to it at the bottom.

I'm ready to put my jumpers away and get my summer stuff out now, I've been putting it on hold just because you never know with English weather. But I think it's time! I'll say that now and it will go cold again after I do it!
I always look forward to shorts, bare feet, chillin in the garden with summer tunes. It's my favourite thing in summer. And of course lots of photo's just to prove that there was sun at some time this year.

I've just been outside with my nephew blowing bubbles and trying to catch them. That was like the best game as a kid for me so it's fun seeing Marley doing the same.
And then I'm running around after him to put sun cream on him like his mum (my big sis) did with me haha!

Anyway there will be a glossy box review sometime this week so keep a look out for that. Enjoy the sun!
Mo xox

The Cavern Liverpool Trip-


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