A Pretty Cool Weekend

So it's a new week, Monday once again. And I had a really good weekend with my girls!
Saturday Georgie invited the group of us over and we had such a good time in her garden, then watching a film after. The vlog link for that will be below.

But Sunday me and Cait hung around Chester most of afternoon and then Cerys joined us later on. We sat in a park near the town for awhile, listening to Chester Rocks because most of the town can hear it. We were dying to go in, but not really having the money us. So we just moped around listening, even chatted to some of the guards outside. One offered us one free ticket but obviously we said no, we weren't going to go with out the other two!

Then later on we went back and got a surprise. There were these two older couple near the guard we'd spoke to. He recognised us and said go speak to these two. Next thing we know the man is giving us three free tickets! We must have stood there about 30 seconds going 'Are you sure? Really?! Is this real?!' And the guard was like 'Yeah, it's genuine. Go round the entrance, but if they don't let you in come back and I will.' Next thing Cait has made a run for it and were trying to keep up with her haha.

The two acts I really wanted to see that day was Atomic Kitten and 5ive...And I got to see them. Annoyingly for Cait, 5th story had opened up first and she didn't know that Gareth Gates was part of that. Lets just say she loves Gareth gates! So sorry Cait you didn't get to see him, but we kind of heard him sing from a far.

So yeah the vlog for that will be uploaded soon for you all. I think it's the longest vlog I've done, 30 minutes odd long for sure.

                                          Anyway, hope you all had a good weekend too...
                                                                          Mo xox

                                                              At Georgie's vlog-


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