June Glossy Box

It's June, it's summer and the sunshine has been amazing the last few weeks. But also, its time for a new box!

Lets starts with 'nailgirls' 3-in-1 base/topcoat & nail strengthener. For a long time I've been meaning to buy a undercoat for my nails because so often certain nail varnishes stain my nails. The past month I've been going around with stained yellow coloured nails. So I've been wearing as soon as I got hold of it and its helped a lot. Plus it gives a great shine when you apply over the coloured varnish.

Then there's the 'got2b' Rise 'n' Shine soufflé. I tried it out once I'd washed and dried my hair, rubbing it into the roots of my hair to give it volume and texture. And it has the most amazing smell of jasmine that makes your hair smell so nice.

'Teez Trend Cosmetics' Beautiful Flat Stiff Brush. I immediately fell in love with this, just the packaging is so pretty. The handle of the brush is black with pictures of eyes, flamingos and lips.
The brush feels rough but it great for applying creamy eye shadows.

'Roger&Gallet' Fluer de Figuier discovery ritual Shower Cream, Body Lotion & Eau Fraiche Fragrance. As I've often said my nose is terrible for picking up smells. So I'll tell you what glossy box says. It has fruit-floral and fig scents, like a Mediterranean garden. And as it says it comes as a shower cream, then after a body lotion to moisturise, finished off by adding a sprinkle of the fragrance.

Last but not least is 'So Susan Cosmetics' Concealer Quad. Firstly I have to say for a concealer, I have no idea how to apply properly. Its hard to just apply with your finger just because for me it doesn't like sticking to my finger. So then I think what brush can I use? So if you have any ideas to how to use it and help with that, do let me know, thanks.

So over all Glossy Box have once again made me happy for the month. I really do recommend if you are thinking of giving it a try, go ahead, give it a try one month!

                                                                             Mo xox


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