Chat About Girl Online Book

I wanted a quick chat about ‘Girl Online’ by Zoe Sugg. Her first novel and let me tell you I’m very proud of what she’s accomplished. It’s a beautiful story that I wish I could carry on reading!

I love how Zoe has used the book to bring points out, like over anxiety and online bullying. With people online, it’s true how people say things without thinking of who they are saying it to and how it will affect that other person. And Zoe really brings to light how that can happen in a situation, with this girl writing a blog in secret. It all comes down to people not thinking before they speak it, or write it. And I really hope that people read this book and really think about that. Zoe wrote something in the book that she’s also wrote similar on twitter and said in videos lately and I really love how she puts it. She says ‘Every time you post something online you have a choice. You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world or you can make it something that takes it away from them.’ Really have a think about that.

Then there’s the anxiety. I’ve dealt with being shy my whole life and it stops me from doing so much. There are people who do understand because they suffer with the same or know people that are similar. But you always get people in your lives that don’t understand. I’ve had so many cases of close people to me that just don’t understand and so try and push me. Sometimes that is the worst thing you can do. And I think it’s the same with people on the internet that see other people on YouTube suffering with the anxiety, or don’t see it at all, don’t understand what they are having to go through and think it’s nothing. They haven’t tried to see from the other person’s side. So in the book this girl is trying to cope and learn what this anxiety is that she’s getting. The close people she has around trying to help but the other people around her don’t understand. But there are also times she does get some help. I feel like Zoe has put things she’s learnt from having anxiety, got all her experience together and put it in this book to help others around her as much as she can.

I hope you enjoyed this, what was meant to be a quick chat but has become quite deep. Haha!
                          Let me know if you’ve read the book and what you think about it.
                                                                        Mo xox


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